Ph Balance
Don't play around with your PH.
All of our skin is naturally acidic including the genital skin. Your pH-value indicates how acidic our skin is, where the thin layer of oils on the very top layer ofthe skin makes sure the surface is at the correct pH. If your pH rises, it can damage cells, cause infection and the skin can become red and dry.
Some soaps and liquid soaps are strong detergents that have an opposite pH to our skin. They are alkaline, so they react with all our natural oils. Every time we clean ourselves with a soap that’s not pH-balanced we're getting rid of the natural moisturising factors. To have this in mind becomes even more important to consider when cleaning intimate skin because the pH level is even lower down there. The skin on your body has a pH level of 5.5, whereas intimate skin has a pH of less than 4.5, making it even more prone to irritation from shower gels and soaps that are not pH-balanced. Read more about the new V-Cleanser from VagiVital keeping your intimate skin in harmony.
Read more about the new V-Cleanser from VagiVital
Changes in Vaginal pH can be caused by the following:
Many women use a douche to try to get rid of vaginal odor and believe that doing so helps to keep the vagina clean.
A woman’s vagina is actually self-cleaning: cleaning with a douche or any hash or disruptive cleaning method is likely to cause damage to the vagina, which in some cases, could be severe.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is an infection of the vagina common among women. It results from a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria. A person with bacterial vaginosis may experience itching, burning, or pain in the vagina. They may also feel a burning sensation when urinating and notice a white or gray discharge.
Blood has a higher pH than the vaginal environment. When a person is menstruating, the presence of menstrual blood can increase vaginal pH levels.
Women tend to have higher vaginal pH levels during menopause.
If a person is taking antibiotics, their vaginal pH may be out of balance.
People use antibiotics to kill harmful bacteria, but these medications can kill good bacteria as well. This will include bacteria in the vagina. If a person is taking antibiotics, their vaginal pH may be out of balance.
So, maintaining the pH balance of the vagina is essential to keep your vagina healthy!